The Power of Music…

Did you know…according to a recent wedding survey,  81% of wedding guests said that the music and entertainment was the one thing they remembered the most about a wedding.***

***(Published in the St. Louis Bride & Groom Magazine with sources including: Simmons, USA Today, National Bride Service, The Knots and Brides Magazine).

It’s really not that surprising when you think about it…the Power of Music touches our emotions and moves us in ways that words cannot.

Despite this fact, many bridal couples still do not put music and dance entertainment on top of their planning priorities.

But why is the music important, really? Why should you prioritize your wedding music over, let’s say, your wedding favours or your wedding cake?  

Here are 8 reasons why: 

1. It’s what your guests will remember more than anything

Not all your guests will remember the types of flowers on your bouquet, or the number of tiers on your wedding cake, or the colour of your table napkins. They might remember what they had for dessert, but they will definitely remember the wedding DJ that rocked your party and got your father-in-law dancing all night on the dance floor!

2. It sets the tone of your special day

Your wedding music is the soundtrack to your wedding! It sets a romantic atmosphere and allows guests to take part in the joy of your union. Without music (or with the wrong playlist!), chances are that some of your guests would leave right after dinner.

3. Great music energises the crowd

Great music makes you happy and energises the crowd, and an energised crowd makes a great party. Music amplifies the happiness of the couple’s newlywed status, and gets everyone in the mood to celebrate.

4. It brings people together

Weddings are huge gatherings that involve friends and family from all walks of life and generations. Apart from alcohol, music helps to break down social barriers among guests and makes them loosen up.  Great background music helps to set a mood and puts people at ease when mingling. Dancing also brings perfect strangers together. It helps guests meet new people without ever having said a word to each other before!

5. It keeps your guests wide awake

Your older aunts and uncles might not be able to stay on the dance floor as long as the other guests, but they’re far from sleepy. Great music plus great performers keep everyone wide awake, alert, and tapping their feet to the beat.

6. It entertains all guests, young and old

Professional DJs, such as from Wedding DJ Hire, know how to give your guests – regardless of age – a fun and happy time. This little one probably had so much dancing she got her feet dirty.

7. Good music showcases your personality

Your choice in music is a great way to put a personal mark on one of the most important days of your lives. It reflects your taste as a couple and allows you show your guests what your fun-loving tastes are like. Aside from that, good music can also help you wow the crowd with your amazing dance moves.

8. It gives people something to talk about

If your guests had a great time on the dance floor, they will literally talk about it – for ages! Plus, you’ll be the envy of all your single friends who will be trying to follow in your footsteps when it comes time for them to get married.

At Wedding DJ Hire, we truly understand the importance of having a great DJ provide the music and entertainment for the wedding, and in so doing, making it a day for all to remember, especially the bride couple!